The Social Mobility Foundation (SMF) has launched its sixth annual Employer Index – the leading national study analysing the efforts of employers to improve social mobility within the workplace. The Index, identifies Britain’s employers that have taken the most action to improve social mobility in the workplace and this was the first year that AMS entered.
Employers are assessed across eight key areas, including their work with young people, routes into the employer, how they attract talent, recruitment and selection, data collection, progression, culture and experienced hire, as well as advocacy and engagement. This year 149 employers across the private and public sectors, employing nearly one million people (999,464) were considered for the Top 75 rankings.
Measures taken by AMS in 2021/2022 included increasing the variety of routes for people of all backgrounds into the organisation, engaging with a number of schools, colleagues and universities across the country, collaborating with key social enterprises and small businesses, and a laser focus on data collection allowing AMS to understand the socio-economic makeup of their colleagues based in the UK&I region.
Matthew Rodger, Chief Growth & Commercial Officer and ExCo lead for Social Mobility at AMS commented: “AMS entered the Social Mobility Index to champion change and level the playing field for the world of work. We are honoured to be recognised as a top 75 employer in the Social Mobility Foundations Employer Index. Out of 149 entrants, we placed 43, solidifying our commitment to social mobility. It’s most definitely a journey and in truth we are just beginning and still have much to do. Please do reach out if you would like to explore how we got started, if we can support any employer out there to evolve and change with a view to making a real difference please don’t hesitate”.
Sarah Atkinson, CEO, Social Mobility Foundation, said:
“The Index shows businesses and organisations are starting to lead the way to combat the cost-of-living crisis for their employees. Opportunity creation for the next generation must be at the top of their agenda, especially as working people are struck with a class pay gap and the rise in living costs eating away at their salaries. The SMF stands ready to support employers of all sizes in their social mobility journey.”