New global research from Jumio reveals preferences around use of digital identity across financial services, health care, social media sites and more
Palo Alto, Calif. — May 25, 2022 — Jumio, the leading provider of orchestrated end-to-end identity proofing, eKYC and AML solutions, today released the findings of its global research conducted by Opinium, which shows the impact of the increasing use of digital identity on consumer preferences and expectations.

The research questioned 8,000 adult consumers split evenly across the UK, U.S., Singapore and Mexico. It found that over half (57%) of consumers across the globe now have to use their digital identity “constantly” or “often” to access their online accounts following the pandemic. Consumers in Singapore report the highest level of digital identity use (70%), as opposed to in the UK (50%), the U.S. (52%) and Mexico (55%).
Demand for digital identity as a form of verification
As providing a digital identity to create an online account or complete a transaction becomes more commonplace globally, consumers are now expecting this as part of their engagement with a brand, specifically in certain sectors. Over two-thirds of consumers (68%) think it’s important to use a digital identity to prove who they say they are when using a financial service online, closely followed by healthcare providers (52%) and social media sites (42%). While all markets were united in financial services being the most important sector for robust identity verification, consumers in Mexico believe it is an important step when interacting with sharing economy brands (49%). UK consumers believe it should be required when shopping online (40%). Where more sensitive personal data is concerned, consumers indicated robust identity verification becomes even more important.