Former City Wealth Manager, Ryan Marsh, launches the exciting new Quantus Gallery, specialising in NFT artwork for digital art enthusiasts & investors.
Finance goes back to the drawing board
With NFT sales booming, the launch of Quantus Gallery offers the opportunity for digital art appreciators and others to gain an understanding of the digital art market and get in on the ground floor with NFT collecting. The blockchain backed digital art market has grown by a staggering 300% from last year after the closing of traditional art gallery doors sent buyers online. In October 2020, history was made when the artist known as Beeple sold an NFT of his work at the world-renowned auction house, Christie’s, for a staggering $69.3 million.
Ryan Marsh has spent the last 11 years forging relationships with prestigious art dealers across eight different markets gaining a comprehensive understanding of the lucrative digital art industry.
“The right art, if guided correctly, can be a great investment, but there are also many pitfalls if investors don’t have the correct guidance and expertise in the art world. We have built a team at Quantus Gallery to educate those who are looking to tap into the digital art and digital currency markets – and to illustrate that you don’t need to have large amounts of capital to commence art investment and see fantastic returns.”
Ryan Marsh CEO & Founder, Quantus Gallery
Globally people have been collecting items for centuries, from stamps to pokemon cards, the collectables market is as strong as ever. Critics that are commenting on NFT’s being a bubble waiting to burst are not seeing the full potential that this new digital collecting sector brings. With high end fashion brands like Gucci releasing their collectable NFT fashion ranges, to record labels publishing music as NFT’s, all verticals are realising how strong the market is. The technological world that we live in gives the opportunity to have your prized collection on hand whether on a phone or tablet, or displayed on digital screens.
Painting by numbers
The UK has always enjoyed a robust art industry and, in 2021, the UK’s slice of the art and antique sector is around 20% of the global market – equivalent to the share retained by China and around 50% of the USA. It seems that not even a global pandemic can dampen the great British passion for art as online sales have skyrocketed since early 2020.
Quantus Gallery launched on Friday the 10th of December 2021 and is creating a buzz among those who are looking to learn more and collect NFT’s globally.
For more information about Quantus Gallery, visit: www.quantusgallery.com
About Ryan Marsh
Former city wealth manager, Ryan Marsh, works with some of the most prestigious brands and investors in the world, including UHNW and HNW. Quantus Gallery is Ryan’s latest business venture as he brings together artists, collectors and investors.