

Against the backdrop of pressing climate protection issues, representatives from around the world gathered at the 27th UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm el-Sheikh. The current status of the Paris Climate Protection Agreement was up for discussion. The goal is to reduce the drivers of global climate change and contain the consequences of global warming.

One outcome of the summit in Egypt is a shield against global climate crises launched by the G7 countries. This benefits 60 countries that are particularly hard hit by climate change. With all efforts, however, governments are always dependent on the support of the private sector, which must implement sustainable strategies into their business model. TBD Media Group brings together the pioneers of this necessary change.

Vision 2045 is created based on the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals to promote the environment, society and governance (ESG). The project is the brainchild of renowned production company TBD Media Group, which has brought together companies from around the world and across all industries to explore how they are changing to find real solutions to the planet’s problems.

Using the power of film and the global reach of the Internet, TBD Media Group has produced a series of compelling documentaries to show global audiences that ESG issues are being addressed: through responsible consumption and production, sustainable communities, and good health and well-being. The films spotlight innovative and courageous companies that are using their power and influence to create a better future.

Paolo Zanini, founder and CEO of TBD Media Group, said:

“The instinct of news organisations is to highlight bad news, but that doesn’t reflect the reality that companies have changed, seized the opportunities presented by reshaping what they do, and are passionate about creating a future we can all live in. I lead a team of some of the most creative and talented filmmakers, and I’m proud of the stories we’ve brought together that give hope to all those who feel the world’s problems are overwhelming.”

Zanini believes that engaging entrepreneurs and the public is essential to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. He states:

“Real and positive change is happening, and it is TBD Media Group’s job as part of the news landscape to reflect the progress of the companies involved in the Vision 2045 project. These are the companies that are showing others the way forward.”

The Vision 2045 documentary series explores how the world’s most ambitious companies are using innovation to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.